21 Mar 2012

Eye Make- Up Tips

The eyes are the key components of facial make-up.  They are more noticeable than any other part of the face. We make sure that they look tantalizing and gorgeous as they should be. Each person has different sets of eyes but all have a chance to enhance their eyes through eye make-up. That is why some important eye make-up tips are introduced just for you. It is helpful to get a satisfying make up experience.

Eye liner thickens the eye lids and gives the eyes a more accentuated look. Use a pencil eye liner to draw thin lines on the eye lids. Some lower eye lids appear to be darker. There is no need to apply eye liner at the lower eye lids. It is already as dark as the upper eye lids. Smudge the drawn line of eye liner on the eye lids. It helps to evenly darken the eye lids.

Colors of the eyes are naturally made like gems. To emphasize the jewel from within one has to choose the right colors to blend in applying eye shadow. Shades of colors should be of the same hue of the eyes’ color. You don’t necessarily choose the exact same color and instead vary on the tone from lighter to darker.  The color to mix consists of the soft color, dark color and the light color.

You must choose the appropriate application of make-up according to the shape of the eyes.  Eyes that appear to be big should be moderately enhanced. Apply on the upper eye lid the main color and wipe on the highlight color just below the eye brows. It will make the eyes look a bit smaller than its original size. Highlighter should be the lightest shade of color among the two or three chosen colors. The small eyes should create a dramatic appearance of making it look bigger. Apply the highlighter on the eye lids instead of under the eye brows. The illusion makes the eyes look bigger.

Eye glasses are major turn off in beautifying the looks of the eyes. It covers the natural sexiness and character of the eyes. Take off the eye glasses and choose the contact lenses as alternative instead. Make sure to choose the contact lenses that are almost the same color as your iris. It sustains the natural looks of your eyes. Be extra careful in choosing the right set of make-up that won’t penetrate the contact lenses and harm your eyes.

Eye brows bring out the best in the eyes. It must be trimmed and well defined. Never allow your eye brows to look flat, making them look lifeless.  Show it off by trimming it upward. Give it body and don’t make it super thin.

Mascara is the finale in eye make over. Choose the mascara that is of dark color to thicken the eye lashes. Eye lashes should have its artistic curls on. Use a curler just before applying the mascara. You will definitely look fabulous by the time you’re done with your eye make-up make over.  Enjoy!

20 Mar 2012

GERD and Pregnancy

A number of women suffer GERD at the time of their pregnancy. The first trimester of pregnancy showing signs of nausea and vomiting may be associated with GERD.  This is because the baby inside the mother’s womb consumes more space inside her stomach, causing GERD to arise. The pregnancy gives heavier pressure to the stomach and worsens GERD. Gaining weight on pregnancy may be attributed as   one factor that aggravates GERD. Hence, pregnant women who has GERD should eat small meals frequently than have one at a time heavy meals. Exercising also helps maintainthe pregnant women’s body at its average weight.

Women who already have the symptoms of GERD before getting pregnant will become worse when she enters the first trimester of pregnancy. The pregnant woman should be monitored closely from time to time to ensure safety of the baby. Vomiting during pregnancy as caused by  GERD lessens the nutrients that  the baby inside the womb should have which will eventually leadto the baby’s malnutrition. Frequent vomiting also leads to fluid loss on the pregnant woman’s body and may harm the baby. When there’s excessive vomiting, the pregnant woman should be rushed to  the hospital to restore fluid loss. It may take a few days of stay at the hospital. Safe medications are given to stop vomiting and to bring back her appetite for eating.

 Like any other GERD patients, pregnant women should also be picky  with their food intake. She should avoid eating acidic, spicy and fatty foods since it will only worsen the symptoms of GERD. Coffee drinkers and smokers should get rid of these unhealthy lifestyles. It will harm the baby and triggers GERD. Healthy and fibrous food must be eaten to ensure the wellness of the baby and take GERD and Pregnancy seriously.

The pregnant woman who has been experiencing signs of GERD should consult a doctor to keep track of her pregnancy. There should be a close collaboration between  the obstetrician-gynaecologist and the gastrointestinal tract specialist to ensure safe pregnancy. They should both have a say   on every decision that they will be making. For instance, which vitamin should the pregnant woman take daily and how it might affect the acidity of the stomach, and the baby’s health. Aside from nausea and vomiting, heart burn is the most common discomfort a pregnant woman with GERD may experience.

The medicinesrecommended to be used with the GERD patient who aren’t pregnant haven’t been tested yet on pregnant women. So, its effect to the baby has not yet been determined or proven and tested as safe. The pregnant women should be careful not to take GERD medications on  her own unless instructed by the doctor. The physician might allow her to take medicines under   minimal dosage.

However, there are natural ways to help alleviate the symptoms of GERD. Herbal products are easily accessible in some stores. Another one is the suggested elevating of the bed  by placing extra pillows under it, just before lying down or sleeping. It helps to avoid heartburn and sleeping discomforts.

Pregnant women with GERD should always be on guard and alert in following rules tokeep the baby safe and protected. It will always be the pregnant woman’s responsibility to take care of her baby no matter what.

19 Mar 2012

Vision Correction

Whether less than perfect vision is present from birth, due to accident or illness, or a symptom of aging, most people will need some sort of vision correction in their lifetimes. Some will prefer the simplicity of glasses; some will opt to wear contact lenses; and, an increasing number of eye patients will elect to have Lasik surgery to bring their world back into focus.


Some individuals start wearing glasses almost from the time they are born. Thanks to new medical technologies, ophthalmologists can now determine if a youngster’s eyes need correction, even before they can talk. Some people manage to maintain good vision until they are at least middle age. However, regardless of the person, the first line of defense against distorted or blurred vision is glasses.

The lenses are specifically crafted to each individual patient. They redirect the light to reach the retina properly, so the brain registers perfect vision. Thus, vision challenges such as astigmatism, farsightedness and nearsightedness is corrected when the glasses are in place.


A lot of people do not like to wear glasses. For some it is simply a matter of vanity. They feel better about themselves. For others, it is a matter of convenience. They are tired of the lenses fogging up, having to look through raindrops, or needing prescription sunglasses. Besides, they don’t have to worry about contacts sliding down their noses.

But, contacts are not the best solution for vision correction for some people. The lenses are delicate. They are easily lost, torn, or scratched. Some people are more susceptible to infections or dry eye from the contacts. Others have a tendency to forget the contacts are in their eyes, and fall asleep before taking them out of their eyes.

Lasik Eye Surgery

In the past, the only solution to vision correction was glasses or contacts. Thanks to modern medical technology, people who have less than perfect vision may have one more option. In the hopes of obtaining perfect vision, they are choosing to have Lasik eye surgery.

The majority of vision problems are refractory errors. The problem is due to a misshapen cornea that misdirects the light that reaches the retina. So, to correct blurry or distorted sight, the ophthalmologist uses a laser to make an incision in the cornea. Then, he/she carefully pulls back a flap and reshapes the cornea. Then, it is put back in place.

In most cases, the patient will notice an improvement in vision within the first 48 hours after the procedure. Although they will have to carefully follow post-operative instruction to prevent infection and allow the eye to heal, they will be able to put their glasses down, or at least have a reduced prescription.

Making the Vision Correction Choice

You only have one set of eyes. Making the vision correction choice that is right for you is not a decision to take lightly. Most people start out with glasses, simply because they are not as expensive, and there are little to no side effects. For some, it takes a little time to get used to the refractory change, and it might cause headaches. However, this symptom should pass, if the prescription is correct. In fact, not wearing corrective lenses can also result in headaches, once the eyes get used to the change.

Contacts are an iffier proposition. Not everyone can wear lenses directly on the iris. They will have a tendency to have drier eyes. If the lenses or fingers are not clean, when they touch the eyes, it can result in an infection. In either case, some individuals find out they cannot wear contacts, after they have gone to the expense of purchasing them.

Naturally, Lasik eye surgery is the riskiest proposition. A doctor is going to manipulate the cornea with a laser. For the majority of patients, the procedure is a resounding success. However, there are others that have less than satisfying results. A dream of perfect vision turns into a nightmare. Instead of vision correction, their sight is further impaired to the point they can no longer drive or hold down their current job. Although this is a worst case scenario, both the benefits and the potential risks should be considered before undergoing Lasik.

So, when considering vision correction, it’s important to consider all the pros and cons of each option. Talk to your health care provider. Weigh the benefits against the risks. You are the only one that can decide what is best for you. You only have one set of eyes; and, they need to last you a lifetime.

Lazy Eye Surgery

Today, probably one of the most popular procedures to correct vision is Lasik. Many people who are nearsighted, farsighted, or have astigmatism no longer need glasses.

Although these visual impairments are usually present at birth, most people don’t need visual aids until later years. However, there are some conditions that might be improved with therapy over time. In the meantime, more invasive options like lazy eye surgery are something worth consideration.

What is Lazy Eye?

Normally, both eyes work in tandem with one another. When one eye looks a specific direction, the other automatically does the same thing. Each eye shares the responsibility of seeing whatever is within the line of vision.

However, when a person has a lazy eye, the dominant eye does all of the work and the other is lazy. In fact, since the strong eye is doing all of the work, the one that is shirking normal vision duty doesn’t even learn to focus properly. In some cases, it literally shuts down, because the brain is sending all of the vision messages to the dominant eye. In others, the picture received by that eye is all blurry and out of focus. Corrective lenses cannot fix the problem. Glasses cannot alter the message that the brain is getting, or the one that it sends back. So, attempts are made to force the brain to send the appropriate signals to the lazy eye.

What Causes Lazy Eye

Lazy eye or amblyopia is caused by something that impairs the vision in one eye, during the first six years of life. The main causes include:
  • Strambismus – is a condition where one eye wanders around, out of control, and cannot stay focused. The brain suppresses vision in that eye.
  • Cataract – is when the lens is clouded by a growth. Surgical procedures can often correct this problem; then, the eye can be retrained to do its job.
  • Trauma – any injury that causes the function of one eye to be suppressed can cause it to become lazy.
  • Lid droop – obstructs vision in that eye. It is only natural that it should become lazy over time.
  • Disabilities – neurological disabilities, such as cerebral palsy, can cause an eye to be lazy. The messages from the brain to the eye are interrupted, failing to provide the proper muscle control.

Lazy Eye Therapy

Although treatment can still help, whenever the problem is discovered, lazy eye therapy is most effective when begun on a small child. Usually, a patch is placed over the dominant eye. The hope is that the brain will then be forced to make a connection with the other eye. In the process, the muscles in that eye will become stronger. With practice, the vision will improve in clarity, and the eyes will begin to track together.

In the past, doctors made patients wear the patch for at least 8 hours a day. However, this can be pretty difficult, especially for kids still in school. The normal challenges of learning are complicated by visual acuity problems.

In recent years, doctors have discovered that the patch therapy also works, even if the strong eye is covered two or three hours each day. For some patients, it only takes a few months of therapy before the brain is trained to send messages to both eyes, and the muscles around the lazy eye have been strengthened.

Lazy Eye Surgery

In some cases, lazy eye therapy doesn’t work. There is simply too much going on with the brain to fix the problem by conventional means. However, the lazy eye seems to be all over the place. It looks so different that kids will wear their hair in a specific way as to cover up the bad eye.

So, doctors can perform lazy eye surgery. The muscles to the eye are cut, and the eye is repositioned to look more normal. Unless the message pathway between the eye and the brain has been strengthened, the organ will still be of little use. But, the aesthetic change can do a lot for the patient’s self esteem.

In summary, lazy eye is most commonly diagnosed in children. In other cases, it is due to some sort of trauma that shuts down the messages between the eye and the brain. Treatment is usually blocking the vision on the stronger eye, so the brain has to send messages to the weaker organ. In the past, this method of therapy was implemented for six to eight hours a day. However¸ recent studies show that two or three hours generally yield the same result. When therapy is ineffective, lazy eye surgery can be performed to realign the eye to a more normal position.